the vision to capture moments the ink to write stories
Ro D'Prado G.

With a camera in my hands I let my unique vision lead me to capture special moments. To discover beauty everywhere and to capture in time, images that tell stories.
I love to capture the beautiful moments of life and make them eternal. My photographs are spontaneous and direct and yet they keep their natural look even with some editing.
I love to play with color and techniques, with light and shadows. By Ro DPrado Gallery.
And then, one day I understood that the words in my head that needed to find a voice, would float impatiently in my thoughts waiting to be captured by ink on paper. I then began to connect with the creative process of writing to tell stories that evoke images.
The path that led me to the precise moment and the right place, to connect the dots and to draw the lines that will inspire my stories yet to be written.
I currently live in Spain, in the port of Vigo, Galicia, with amazing scenery to capture, and the inspiration to write beautiful stories to share.
I'm available for photo shoots in the area and I am also willing to travel to discover new locations together.
As for my characters, I have published the first book of the saga:
"El Bosque de los Igmas" 'Memorias de mis ancestros'.
Available on online platforms for all markets, and in bookstores in Spain.